Lesson 2 of 30
In Progress

Types of graphic and what to include in your answer

In this lesson, we look at the different graphic types in task 1. This lesson has a video, but If you’re short of time, feel free to skip it and move directly to the text and quizzes below.  Once you have finished this lesson, click on the ‘complete’ at the bottom of this page. Happy studying!

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Lesson Material

You are assessed on 4 criteria. One of them is Task Achievement. Task Achievement refers to the content of your answer. In this lesson, we will look at the different graphic types, and what examiners information your answer should include.

Many students lose marks because they miss an essential piece of information. For example, writing about 5 countries if 6 countries are mentioned. If you do not include these key features, you cannot get above a band 4 for Task Achievement (see public band descriptors below). This often happens when students run out of time- so give yourself enough time to do this task.

Remember, we recommend spending 20-25 minutes on task 1.

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